
Foot prints across industries


At RMI Steel, we undertake fabrication of steel projects covering production workshops, factories, warehouses, and purpose-built buildings for various purposes according to their uses. Compared with traditional concrete structures, steel-framed facilities use steel plates or section steel instead of reinforced concrete, providing higher strength and better impact resistance.

Experience the wonder of steel

Industries We Serve

At RMI Steel, we have expanded our footprint across a gamut of sectors, broadly contributing to the economic growth of Sri Lanka. These include employing steel and related components in the construction of steel warehousing, manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and retail.

Due to the reusability of steel, using steel to construct buildings can significantly reduce construction waste and is considered more environmentally friendly. Therefore, steel is widely used in industrial buildings and civil buildings. Steel is the most economical, durable, and widely used building material globally.

Steel building designs use high-strength steel, which can withstand external bad weather and ensure the utmost safety for personal work and equipment within the building. Additionally, long service life-extending up to fifty years, relatively lower cost, and easy maintenance, make using steel for building projects the number one choice.


The construction solutions we propose allow the creation of optimal spaces for the storage of various types of goods. Therefore, we build uninsulated warehouses for several types of products, and, on the other hand, we build fully insulated warehouses for specific products.


We help customers design and build various manufacturing facilities across Sri Lanka. Our modern production lines for steel profiles create almost unlimited possibilities for creating manufacturing spaces both small and large. This gives us the utmost flexibility in executing our ideas into action.


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Steel is one of the most commonly used materials in agriculture. It is robust, versatile and economical. Consequently, it is used for various applications in the agricultural domain, including the construction of agricultural buildings. Steel is safe for use with animals and crops and needs little maintenance.

Health Care

Steel buildings are well ventilated and easy to insulate, which is a factor in healthcare. Building health care facilities using steel cuts down on costs and time. Moreover, steel materials are durable and easy to maintain compared to traditional construction methods.


The retail industry is a fast-paced industry with the potential for rapid growth. Building or expanding a retail space needs to be a fast and efficient process. In this scenario, employing steel for your retail space is a prudent option due to the speed of construction.